Saturday, September 6

I'm going to ignore this blog now, like I ever really paid it any attention, in favor of this.

Friday, May 2

This is where I work. Ok, they're my only client. I have been to Nephi for training and work, for three weeks. Yeah, Nephi.

Wednesday, April 30

The Queen Mother of medical sites for the layman may be here. Thanks to Pamie at TWOP for the pointout.

Why in the world do I act like I know her, she me, or that anyone else reads TMIF but me? That may be a loneliness shout out, or a sick writer wannabe thing. Or maybe I should be working and I'm not. Yeah, that's it.

Monday, April 28

Ok this is fairly funny! You see these things on the road and you think, "Huh. Where could I rent a gigantic gorilla or cobra?" Dude, right here I got your inflatable cobra.

Friday, April 25

I was dying for a little new tunage and by cracky if Wilco didn't come through for me. I have traded my CD collection until I am pared to the essential bones. This seriously budgeting all the time thing is gross. I have one (1) clandestine, unaccounted-for dollar. Really.

Thursday, April 24

So I'm reading all these blogs lately, right? And I'm supposed to be a writer.

If you could see me you'd laugh at the red handprint on my forehead. I think I'm breaking through to damn well writing my blog all the time!

Don't quote me.

Tuesday, March 18

I new blogger hiatus record! Did I mention the self-employment? The Write Documents Company, and all.